Constitutional History of Pakistan.
Constitutional History of Pakistan.

Every newly established sovereign state must first frame a constitution of a body of fundamental laws to run the government and this task has been given to the first constituent Assembly. It consisted of nearly 80 members, elected by the Provincial Assemblies of Pakistan.
The Constitution of 1956 of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The new constitution took more than eight years due to inevitable situations. It was lengthy and detailed.Pakistan was defined as an Islamic Republic wherein the principles of freedom, equality, tolerance and social Justice as enunciated by Islam should be fully observed. This constitution based upon the Islamic principles and the structure of the government was federal.
Abrogation of 1956 Constitution by Ayub khan.
It proved to be short one, the constitution was abrogated on 7th October, 1958, and Martial Law was proclaimed by Muhammad Ayu b khan. The General claimed we solemnly decided to build a true national Army free from Politics, actually he involved the army into the politics and this was the first dictatorship in the history of Pakistan, foundation laid down by General Ayub Khan.
The constitution of 1962:
Ayub khan promulgated a new constitution in 1962. It was fully changed from the soul of the constitution of 1956. It set up a Presidential form of government, in this constitution the President possessed greater number of powers and influence than the President of USA does, just to prolong his reign.
Break down of Ayub Khan's Constitution:
It also did not lost long. People became increasingly disconnected with Ayub Khan due to the growing autocracy of President Ayub Khan. Ayub Khan left the reign and resigned.
The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan:
The tragedy of the revolt and seperation of East Pakisan, now called Bangladesh, sent a wave of despair throughout the remaining Pakistan.
This constitution is given to Pakistan by Z.A.Bhuto. This also represents the will of the majority of Pakistani nation.
Zia-ul-Haq imposed Martial Law on 5th July 1977, he adressed with the nation and promissed to hand over the government to representative of the nation and leave the reign in 90 days, which ended in more than one decade.
Mr.Zia ruled over the country on the name of Islam, he wanted to become the "Ameer-ul-Momineen". Islamic laws implemented by him were good but he was not sincere. He jus played with the emotions of Pakistani Nation and prolonged his regime. Heroine and Kalashankove culture is the gift of Mr.Zia-ul-Haq for Pakistani youths.
Than in 1999, General Pervez Musharaf arrived with new zeal, conqurered the government, like a country attacks on another. He imposed emergency in the country and dismissed the constitution with one stroke of his pen. He changed the soul of the 1973 constitution. He constitutionally shared the Army in the Civil Government.
Unlike Mr.Zia the present government prolong its reign by the theory of enlightenment and moderation.
Since 1973, the constitution saw seventeen amendments, If a person undergo for 17 surgeories what would be his situation, that is with our constitutin. Now still deal in going on with PPPP for new amendment in the constitution.
For God sake stop amending the constitution, restore the constitution of 1973 in original form, which represents the will of majority of the nation. May Allah progress Pakitan by leap and bound.
Thanks you very much.incrise my knowledge.