Strategic Visions |Father To A Son

                 (Father to a son)
                                       Purpose of Vision
Giving best possible upbringing (tarbiat) to my son is an obligation (Fardh) on me as
a parent.

Through his husn-e-sulook, wisdom, practical approach and intellect, he will be a
source of inspiration to his circle of influence and his younger brother.

Because Allah (swt) has created this Ummah to lead the world towards goodness
(khair) and to stop them from the evil (Sharr), his life will contribute in eventually
bringing humanity to the complete submission to Allah (swt) and the revival of the
Ummah to its former glory.

My son's development will contribute in fulfilling my vision and Inshallah will be a
Sadqa-e-Jaaria for me and my wife. This will earn me Allah's (swt) blessings and his
pleasure (Raza).

My son will be able to fulfill the requirements of his role as Abdullah with excellence

Ultimate SubVision
My son is leading a balanced life with Visions in all of his roles; is an inspirational
practicing Muslim in the best of his health who has made significant contributions
with his knowledge and wisdom in the revival of the Ummah to lead the modern

Intermediate Sub-Vision-60 Years 
Abid :
            He is a practicing Muslim who has inspired many through his Good manners and disposition (Husn-e-sulook) to enter fully into Islam.

Member of the Ummah :

                      Islamic Management Research Council is well established and top religious scholars are associated with it. The council is seen as a top research institute for youngsters 
interested in finding Islamic teachings as a way of life (Zabta-e-Hayaat).

Head of household 
                         He is a practical demonstration of success of the Visions Framework that has influenced many including his wife, children and grandchildren. He is seen as an excellent
husband, a father and a grandfather. His children are well educated and ready to run with the baton that he has passed onto them.

               He is physically fit with ideal health indicators for his age.
He has taken good care of his health and body throughout
his life.

                        He is a forward looking religious scholar with many followers within the Ummah. His work is recognized and appreciated in international journals. He is a renowned professor who has taught Islam as a complete way of life (Mukammal Zabt-e-Hayyat) at well reputed universities.
His work is compiled in 7 different books.

Visions :
             He has lead a vision oriented life and has achieved  excellence in all of his roles.
Emotional He is emotionally balanced with excellent leadership qualities and a pleasant personality.

                  Besides being the founder of the Islamic Management  Research Foundation, he is a professor at a well reputed  university. In addition, he provides shariah consultancy services to different companies.

Intermediate Sub-Vision-30 Years 
Abid :
             He is true practicing Muslim and an Abd (slave) of Allah  (swt). He has 8 mentors, most of whom are religious.

Member of the Ummah:

He has established the Islamic Management Research Council and 20 researchers and 100 students.

Head of household: 
                He has provided the best possible education and upbringing to his children. He has taught Arabic language as a second language to his children. His relationship with his children and wife is ideal. He is a source of inspiration for his family and a good role model for his children.

He is enjoying the best of health with regular exercise and checkups. He is aware of the health requirements of a 40 year old and plans his routine accordingly. His BMI is 19%, 
blood pressure is 80/120 and his weight is 82 KG.

Intellectual :
              He has completed an Iftah course from a well reputed institution, enjoys command of the Arabic language and can translate Quran into Urdu and English. He has published a number of books and papers on Islam in international 

Islamic Journals.
                       He has lectured at Al Azhar and other Islamic institutions.

            He is ahead of his plan on the Visions document. He has refined his Vision Framework and has applied it in the different roles of his life. Vision documents are being followed for his children and grandchildren as well.

                    He has completed disaster recovery training taught by the Pakistani Armed forces. He has completed volunteer work at a flood hit area for cumulative period of six months.
                 He has established the Islamic Management Research Council, which is a self sustaining institution. He is teaching at multiple universities. A number of companies have 
appreciated his work and he provides them with shariah compliant consulting services.

Intermediate Sub-Vision-15 Years 
          He is a practicing Muslim, who fulfills all his obligations as Abd (Slave of Allah (swt)). He has performed the Hajj with his wife in the very first year of his marriage. His wife is 
also very religious and belongs to a very good family.

Member of the Ummah:
                                He has interned at the Islamic Research Council in India and his report covers best practices in Islamic Research. He has spent one week in a poor country in Africa and has 
taught in a local school.

Head of household: 
                         He is happily married with 3 children. He takes care of his family well and visits the northern areas of Pakistan every year. He has made a Vision document for his children.
Physical He is physically fit and regularly exercises at the gym. He is conscious about his diet and health requirements of his body. He has played professional cricket at the international level.

                He is a well spoken, well read and an intellectually sound youngster. He has completed his Masters in Business Management from a well reputed university and has researched on how the principles of modern management can be linked to the teachings of Islam.

               His vision is to develop a research institute focused on Islamic teachings and its links to modern management practices. He is also determined to develop a sharia compliant framework for corporations. He has completed the Vision documents for his children.

              He has read reputable books on Emotional Intelligence and understands the value of an emotionally balanced life. He is seen as an emotionally balanced person within his peer group and family.
                He has worked part time and interned with three vision-oriented companies from within the Time lenders family.

Intermediate Sub-Vision-5 Years 
          He is regularly saying his prayers in jama'ah and encourages his brother to do the same. He has been fasting every Ramadan for the last three years.

Member of the Ummah:
                    Has spend 3 days doing Tableegh. He has worked as a volunteer for one week in a flood hit area. His father has helped him find a mentor who is a great visionary and possesses Islamic knowledge and wisdom.

Head of household:
                   He is aware of the qualities of a good husband and the characteristics of good wife as well as the role of the head of a household in Islam.

Physical :
           He is physically fit and mindful towards his body's well being. He has played under 16 cricket for Pakistan.

              He actively participates in school quizzes. He has read many science books and has read the Islamic Encyclopedia authored by me his father.

Visions He has read, understood and agreed on his Vision 
document as prepared by his father (ME) .

Emotional He is a very well behaved and calm youngster, who takes 
care of his younger brother and respects his elder sister. He 
has read at least one Naseem Hijazi novel by this time.

Breadwinner He has started coaching children under 10 in cricket. He is 
also tutoring 3 students who are studying in class 5-8.

Intermediate Sub-Vision-1 Year 
        He regularly says sala'ah and goes to the masjid on his own and encourages his younger brother to accompany him.
Member of the Ummah:
                He has spent two days volunteering at a children's hospital, an SOS Village or the Fatmid Foundation. He has accompanied his father in attending a dars by Mufti Kamal.

Head of household:
        His father has had three one on one sessions with him regarding the role of the head of a household in Islam.

He is regular with club Cricket. He is strong through regular 
exercise and a stable diet.

Intellectual :
                         He has started reading the Islamic Encyclopedia gifted by his dad last year. He is an above average student who is excellent in his studies.

He likes the Vision document that his father prepared for him in June last year at the Vision Retreat Workshop. He is motivated to achieve all his ISVs and USVs.

                   He has spent three days of quality time with his paternal grandfather in Islamabad. During his stay, his grandfather shared his learnings and wisdom on life. He has also spent 
some time with his paternal grandmother who has shared with him some valuable lessons on Islam.

Breadwinner :
              His father has had two discussions with him on the roles 
and responsibilities of a father as the breadwinner of the 


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