


The Being of the Almighty Allah is indeed One. It is only those who are ignorant and persist in being ignorant need an explanation on how Almighty Allah is One and is actually Present. Those who are Allah-conscious do not desire an explanation on this subject of Tauheed and Shirk. They in fact accept without questioning. There is a famous proverb in the Arabic language which is as follows: Al Ashyaa'u tu'rafa bi azdaadihi - "Objects are indeed understood by its opposites."

For example, peace can only be understood and appreciated by that person who has felt and experienced anxiety. That person though who has not felt anxiety, cannot appreciate peace. In the same manner, Day cannot be understood if a person has not experienced the Night. Likewise, if a person has not comprehended misguidance how is it possible for him to understand guidance? Using this very principle, we may ask, if a person has not understood "Shirk" or Polytheism, how is it possible for him to appreciate or comprehend "Tauheed" or Monotheism? It is, therefore, only logical that after we have understood Shirk can we then understand Tauheed.

The Almighty Allah has in fact very clearly explained the action Shirk and Tauheed, thereby completely eradicating the concept of non-religion. It is very surprising that after explaining the differences in the concept of Tauheed and Shirk so clearly, there are still doubts in the minds of those whose sole duty it is to destroy the concept or fundamentals of unity found in Islam.


The meaning of "Tauheed" is to believe that there is no Partner to Allah in His Being and in His Attributes. In other words, how Almighty Allah is, we do not believe that there is another being like Him. If any person believes on the contrary, then his belief would constitute Shirk. We should remember that the attributes of Allah, among others, include the act of Listening, Seeing and Possessing Knowledge. If any individual believes that another possesses these Attributes, he will be guilty of Shirk.
According to the Holy Quran,

"The command is for none but Allah;He has commanded that you obey none but Him;that is the right path."


After we have understood the meaning of Tauheed, the natural question that arises is, if knowledge which is one of the Attributes of Allah is ascribed for another individual, will this really mean that we are guilty of Shirk? We know that Listening and Seeing are also among the Attributes of Allah. If we prove these very attributes for another individual, will we be guilty of Shirk? In the very same manner, the Attributes of Living is also among the Attributes of Allah. If we ascribe this attribute for another individual will we again be guilty of Shirk?


One should remember that indeed Almighty Allah possesses the Attribute of "Living", yet He has, also through His Mercy, bestowed upon His Creation this very quality. The attribute of living though which we relate to ourselves is not the same Attribute of Living as we relate to Allah. The difference is that His Attribute of Living is non-bestowed, while the attribute of living which we posses is one which we have been bestowed with by Allah. The attribute of living which He has bestowed upon us is temporary and non-eternal, while His Attribute of Living is Eternal and non-bestowed.

If this principle and law is applied to all qualities and attributes, then the question of Shirk will never arise. It is simple, yet, as we have mentioned earlier, those Muslims whose sole aim is to deprive Islam of its unity, peace and harmony, intentionally make it difficult so that the simple-minded Muslims become confused and misguided.


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